Friday, October 1, 2010

Concept and Asymmetrical Design

I did my symmetrical design but i don't like the die form at all.  It looks like a crown which is fine but it wasn't cool. 

With that, I started thinking about what my inspiration would be and what truly inspires me.  I started thinking about my mom because when I was seven years old, my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. That's how I came up with my mom as an inspiration because my mom has always been that person that I'm always worrying, the person who accepted me and who gave me a shoulder to cry on.

Since she was sick, she sent me to America because she didn't know if she was going to survive.  I was very young and when I moved here, I was ten years old by then.  But people from our community bak at home would say that my mom has a black heart and how she doesn't love her kids.  Now they tell how she was very smart to do that. But the pain is unforgettable.  Because of the cancer, it changed my life.

To me, my mom is very kind-hearted.  And that's how I came up with my inspiration.

Concept: A pun on heart shape. Because she's kinda-hearted.  She had a breast cancer on the left side of her torso.

Shape: My shape is a heart shape but it could also be the left side of the torso where my mom had cancer. 

Texture Studies: I did a texture studies. To the left is a picture comparing two die forms. The one to the left is not textured and is clean and pickled.  The one to the right is not clean but it's textured. I roll-pressed it with some scotch-bright. So it has this subtle but rippling texture.
-The one to the right is using wire and roll-pressed it.  And it created this beautiful texture, very vein-like which totally goes with my concept.

Problem: I used a 22 gage copper sheet. After such a large amount of pressure, the parts that have been pressed actually started cracking because it got so thin.  

Now to the left, I soldered two pieces of the die forms that have been pressed together.  This one has a flange it which is not that bad. but it is hard to solder them together. 

The texture that was created on this one... i took 2 other pieces of copper, scraps and the vain-like line that's there.  It's created by two pieces of metal colliding it into one.  

And the dent is from actually trying to hold it but it kept on pressing down.  But it got this really even and consistent dent. It's good. I like it

The one that i soldered together without the flange is actually on my banner. It's a practice but I decided to make a chain for it. It's pretty not bad for a start.

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