Base Sketch |
Upper Right Front View |
When I went to start on the wax, I realize I did not know exactly what I wanted to do 3-d wise because when I sketched it, I see that it worked but what about depth and layer and the composition as a whole and from different perspective and not as 1 angle.
With that I started to use a 3-D Rapid Prototyping program/modeling called Rhinoceros, which is fabulous.
Over to the left, that's the sketch I decided to base my design off.
Beginning Stage |
Back View
I went and started on Rhino and came up with this form and I have different views here.
Took different pics of different views as reference and also printed out the real size which was 2"x2"x2"
Later I realized it was WAY too big and would be WAY too heavy. And started to carve down a little bit more.
The more I was doing it, I thought to myself at how much I do not like how it was turning out.
Semi-finished Front |
Back View |
If you actually look at the first rhino picture, The top left ball is actually very big and also, it was aligning up with the ball right below that which made a terrible composition. With that, I cut that off and adjust the ball towards the center a little bit which gives it a more balance composition which is exactly my aesthetics. Not only that, the semi finished looks as if it could come alive. It's awesome. I thought it looked a little bit like a Pokemon or a Godzilla.
Since this project was just about form, I was able to transform it from different inspiration and truly focus on the composition which I am happy with. But I will be needing to file and give it a better craftsmanship.
I was thinking about this for a while Tai, I love how we are hand carving these things when we could get them printed in thermo-plastic and cast. I bet even the SLS nylon would cast as well. I think that would be a cool material study, I might try it.